Price of Obsolete Railroad Badge from Coal Mountain, West Virginia

Welcome to Antique Badge Buyer, a place with lots of entries to help you study the kinds of antique railroad badges. This site includes lots of pictures about badges and we are updating pages all the time. We appreciate these beautiful memorabilia, but could not locate a site to provide information about them, so we made AntiqueBadgeBuyers.

If you are on our website then you've likely searching for information about an antique badge you found and need to find out what it's worth. We are AntiqueBadgeBuyers and we are here to help you with your antique badge. If you're looking to sell your vintage railroad badge from Coal Mountain, West Virginia or you need to find out about value please Contact Us.

Railroad Badges

These are a sample of the thousands of varied vintage Railroad badges that have been produced, yours could have similar features.

Old Railroad badges from Coal Mountain, West Virginia can be unique depending on desirability and other factors. We can't assist you with an exact appraisal until we see a photo of your badge, so please Contact Us so that we can help you figure out its price, our specialization is in antique badges and we are respected collectors.

Services we can provide:

  • Pay you for your badge
  • Appraise badges for free
  • Represent you at auctions and shows we attend

Send me an email at: or call me at: 404-606-2648

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